Wikipitaka - The Completing Tipitaka
Structure of the Tipitaka
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Tipitaka » Sutta Pitaka » Khuddaka Nikaya » Dhammapada » Verse 384

Dhammapada Verse 384 - Sambahulabhikkhu Vatthu[]

Daw Mya Tin Version[]

Yada dvayesu dhammesu

paragu hoti brahmano

athassa sabbe samyoga

attham gacchanti janato.

Verse 384: When the brahmana is well-established in the two dhammas (i.e., the practice of Tranquillity/Samata and Insight/Vipassana Meditation), then, in that knowing one, all fetters are destroyed.

The Story of Thirty Bhikkhus

While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (384) of this book, with reference to thirty bhikkhus.

On one occasion, thirty bhikkhus came to pay homage to the Buddha. The Venerable Sariputta, seeing that time was ripe and proper for those bhikkhus to attain arahatship, approached the Buddha and asked a question, solely for the benefit of those bhikkhus. The question was this: "What are the two dhammas?" To this the Buddha replied, "Sariputta! Tranquillity(Samata) and Insight(Vipassana) Meditation are the two dhammas."

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 384: When the brahmana is well-established in the two dhammas (i.e., the practice of Tranquillity/Samata and Insight/Vipassana Meditation), then, in that knowing one, all fetters are destroyed.

At the end of the discourse all the thirty bhikkhus attained arahatship.

Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero Version[]

D4 061


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