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Tipitaka >> Vinaya Pitaka >> Mahavagga >> First Khandaka >> 1.36

Adapted from the Translation by T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg

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Chapter-36 : Cessation of Discipleship ; Only Perfects To Confer Ordination

1. At that time the Bhikkhus whose achariyas(teachers) and upajjhayas were gone away, or had returned to the world, or had died, or were gone over to a (schismatic) faction, were not acquainted with (the rules about) the cessation of their nissayas. They told this thing to the Lord Buddha.

'There are five cases of cessation of a nissaya, O Bhikkhus(Monks), between (saddhiviharika and) upajjhaya: When the upajjhaya is gone away, or he has returned to the world, or has died, or is gone over to a (schismatic) faction; the fifth case is that of order (given by the upajjhaya to the saddhiviharika). These, O Bhikkhu's, are the five cases of the cessation of a nissaya between (saddhiviharika and) upajjhaya.

'There are six cases of cessation of a nissaya, O Bhikkhus(Monks), between (antevasika and) achariya(teacher): When the achariya(teacher) is gone away, &c.; the fifth case is that of order (given by the achariya(teacher) to the antevasika); or (sixthly) when the achariya(teacher) and the upajjhaya have come together at the same place. These, O Bhikkhus(Monks), are the six cases of cessation of a nissaya between (antevasika and) achariya(teacher).

2. 'In five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu should not confer the upasampada ordination, nor give a nissaya, nor ordain a novice: When he does not possess full perfection in what belongs to moral practices; or does not possess full perfection in what belongs to self-concentration; or does not possess full perfection in what belongs to wisdom; or does not possess full perfection in what belongs to emancipation; or does not possess full perfection in what belongs to knowledge and insight into emancipation. In these five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu should not confer the upasampada ordination, nor give a nissaya, nor ordain a novice.

3. 'In five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu may confer the upasampada ordination, give a nissaya, and ordain a novice: When he possesses full perfection in what belongs to moral practices, &c. In these five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu may, &c.

4. 'And also in other five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu should not confer, &c.: When he does not possess for himself full perfection in what belongs to moral practices and is not able to help others to full perfection in what belongs to moral practices; or does not possess for himself full perfection in what belongs to self-concentration, and is not able to help others to full perfection in what belongs to self-concentration, &c.

5. 'In five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu may confer, &c.: When he possesses for himself full perfection in what belongs to moral practices, and is able to help others to full perfection, &c.

6. 'And also in other five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu should not confer, &c.: When he is unbelieving, shameless, fearless of sinning, indolent, forgetful. In these five cases, &c.

7. 'In five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu may confer, &c.: When he is believing, modest, fearful of sinning, strenuous, of ready memory. In these five cases, &c.

8. 'And also in other five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu should not confer , &c.: When as regards moral practices he is guilty of moral transgressions; or when as regards the rules of conduct he is guilty of transgressions in his conduct; or when as regards belief he is guilty of heresy; or when he is unlearned; or when he is foolish. In these five cases, &c.

9. 'In five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu may confer, &c.: When as regards moral practices he is not guilty of moral transgressions, &c.; when he is learned; and when he is wise. In these five cases, &c.

10. 'And also in other five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu should not confer, &c.: When he is not able to nurse or to get nursed an antevasika or a saddhiviharika when he is sick, to appease him or to cause him to be appeased when discontent with dhamma life has sprung up within him, to dispel or to cause to be dispelled according to the Dhamma doubts of conscience which have arisen in his mind; when he does not know what is an offence; or does not know how to atone for an offence. In these five cases, &c.

11. 'In five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu may confer, &c.: When he is able (&c., down to:); when he knows what is an offence; and knows how to atone for an offence. In these five cases, &c.

12. 'And also in other five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu should not confer, &c.: When he is not able to train an antevasika or a saddhiviharika in the precepts of proper conduct, to educate him in the elements of morality, to instruct him in what pertains to the Dhamma, to instruct him in what pertains to the Vinaya, to discuss or to make another discuss according to the Dhamma a false doctrine that might arise. In these:fÏve cases, &c.

13. 'In five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu may confer, &c.: When he is able, &c.

14. 'And also in other five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu should not confer, &c.: When he does not know what is an offence; or does not know what is no offence; or does not know what is a light offence; or does not know what is a grave offence; when the two Patimokkhas are not perfectly known to him in their entirety, with all their divisions and their whole course, and with the entire discussion according to the single rules and to the single part of each rule. In these five cases, &c.

15. 'In five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu may confer, &c.: When he knows, &c.

16. 'And also in other five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu should not confer, &c.: When he does not know what is an offence; or does not know what is no offence; or does not know what is a light offence; or does not know what is a grave offence; or when he has not completed the tenth year (after his upasampada). In these five cases, &c.

17. 'In five cases, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu may confer, &c.: When he knows (&c., down to:); when he has completed ten years or more than ten years (after his upasampada). In these five cases, &c.'

End of the sixteen times five cases concerning the admissibility of upasampada.

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